Wednesday, February 22, 2012


As I stood at the bathroom sink with a handful of pills, I wondered "who was this person who needed medication for blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, cholesterol, and heart".  Barely on the edge of 40 and taking the same prescriptions as a grandmother.

As I looked in the mirror at the hair salon, I barely recognized the woman who was staring back.  How had she changed so much in such a short time? 


As I saw my reflection in the window, I couldn't help but wonder who was that person sitting in my chair at the dinner table.

Who is this person who has grown beyond recognition? 

As I sit here tonight, I realize it is me.  Somehow I have morphed into someone I no longer recognize.  Surely I am not 150 pounds overweight.  Obesity can't be a word to describe me.  AND YET IT IS!

So with  nervousness, vulnerability, and  certainty I begin my JOURNEY TO A HEALTHIER ME.


  1. Welcome to bloggieland, Carol, and to the start of a New You. :-)

    I only have one suggestion, something I did myself way back when: make yourself a promise, that no matter what, You. Will. Never. Quit.

    You will always continue, regardless of how you feel, whether up or down. You will not let ANYONE or anything take this from you. Write it out, along with your most passionate reasons for doing this for yourself.

    For when you do this for yourself, you will have more to offer those you love. Don't EVER let anyone try to tell you that you are being "selfish". To get healthy and strong and reclaim the Real You is a most loving thing to do. First for yourself, then it naturally flows out to others.

    I'm excited for you. You can do this!


  2. You can do it!!! Just "keep swimming" and amazing things will happen! One step at a time!! Love you!!!

  3. Thanks Loretta and Teija!! I need all the love and encouragement I can get!
